Глава 4

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Глава 4

1. Juan S. The psychology of smell // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 4 April 1999. Tempo. P. 13.

2. Интервью, 12 марта 1999.

3. Juan S. Can the smell in a supermarket affect consumer spending? // National Post (Toronto). 11 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.

4. Juan S. Cinnamon buns take the cake with smell // National Post (Toronto). 17 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

5. Доктор Р. Джеймс Свансон работает на кафедре биологических наук, акушерства и гинекологии университета в Норфолке (Вирджиния, США).

6. Juan S. Cat hair has no effect on nasal hair // National Post (Toronto). 9 January 2006. Body & Health. P. 1.

7. Carlos Padilla is from the University Clinic at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Austin.

8. Juan S. Can the cold cause a cold? // National Post (Toronto). 14 March 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

9. Juan S. What is the Pinocchio effect? // New York Daily News. 2 August 2005. Body Work. P. 1–2.

10. Доктор Алан Хирш изучает проблемы обоняния и вкуса и работает в Чикаго.

11. Juan S. What is the Pinocchio effect? // National Post (Toronto). 22 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

12. Wessner C. FYI // Popular Science. January 2000. P. 83.

13. Mitchell S. Food idiosyncrasies: Beetroot and asparagus // Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2001. Vol. 29. No. 4 (pt 2). P. 539–543.

14. Matluk A. Scent of a man // New Scientist. 10 February 2001. P. 34–38.

15. Juan S. How important is histocompatibility (compatible immune systems) in human mating? // New York Daily News. 6 December 2005. Body Work. P. 1–2.

16. Juan S. Sniffing out an ideal mate // National Post (Toronto). 2 January 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

17. Juan S. Why do they call it ‘hay fever’? // National Post (Toronto). 31 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.

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