[U.F.O.]{n. phr.} Unidentified Flying Object. •/Some people think that the U.F.O.s are extraterrestrial beings of higher than human development who pay periodic visits to Earth to warn us of our self-destructive tendencies./
[ugly duckling]{n.} An ugly or plain child who grows up to be pretty and attractive. •/Mary was the ugly duckling in her family, until she grew up./
[uh-huh] or [um-hum] {adv.}, {informal} Yes.?—?Used only in speech or when recording dialogue. •/Are you going to the Fair? Uh-huh./ •/We were in Alaska, um-hum, but that was long before the earthquakes./ •/When I asked for an appointment, the nurse said, "Um-hum, I have an opening at four o’clock on Friday."/ Contrast: HUH-UH.
[um-hum] See: UH-HUH.
[unbosom oneself]{v. phr.} To confess one’s personal thoughts or feelings; disclose private information to a confidante. •/Once she was at home with her mother, she unbosomed herself of all her troubles./
[uncle] See: SAY UNCLE also CRY UNCLE.
[under a bushel] See: HIDE ONE’S LIGHT UNDER A BUSHEL.
[under a cloud]{adj. phr.} 1. Under suspicion; not trusted. •/Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate’s bracelet disappeared./ •/The butcher is under a cloud because the inspectors found his scales were not honest./ 2. Depressed, sad, discouraged. •/Joe has been under a cloud since his dog died./
[under age]{adj. phr.} Too young; not old enough; below legal age. •/He could not enlist in the army because he was under age./ •/Rose was not allowed to enroll in the Life Saving Course because she was under age./ Contrast: OF AGE(1).
[under arrest]{adj. phr.} Held by the police. •/The man believed to have robbed the bank was placed under arrest./ •/The three boys were seen breaking into the school building and soon found themselves under arrest./
[under construction]{adv. phr.} In the process of being built or repaired. •/It is a good idea to take the train to work while the expressway is under construction./
[under cover]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} Hidden; concealed. •/The prisoners escaped under cover of darkness./ •/He kept his invention under cover until it was patented./ Compare: UNDER WRAPS.
[under false colors] See: SAIL UNDER FALSE COLORS.
[under fire]{adv. phr.} Being shot at or being attacked; hit by attacks or accusations; under attack. •/The soldiers stood firm under fire of the enemy./ •/The principal was under fire for not sending the boys home who stole the car./
[under lock and key]{adv. phr.} Secured; locked up; well protected. •/Dad keeps all his valuables under lock and key./
[under one’s belt]{adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In your stomach; eaten; or absorbed. •/Once he had a good meal under his belt, the man loosened his tie and fell asleep./ •/Jones is talkative when he has a few drinks under his belt./ 2. In your experience, memory or possession; learned or gotten successfully; gained by effort and skill. •/Jim has to get a lot of algebra under his belt before the examination./ •/With three straight victories under their belts, the team went on to win the championship./
[under one’s breath]{adv. phr.} In a whisper; with a low voice. •/The teacher heard the boy say something under his breath and she asked him to repeat it aloud./ •/I told Lucy the news under my breath, but Joyce overheard me./
[under one’s hat] See: KEEP UNDER ONE’S HAT.
[under one’s heel]{adv. phr.} In one’s power or control. •/If one marriage partner always wants to keep the other person under his or her heel, it is not a happy or democratic arrangement and may lead to a divorce./
[under one’s nose] or [under the nose of] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In sight of; in an easily seen or noticeable place. •/The thief walked out of the museum with the painting, right under the nose of the guards./ •/When Jim gave up trying to find a pen, he saw three right under his nose on the desk./
[under one’s own steam]{adv. phr.}, {informal} By one’s own efforts; without help. •/The boys got to Boston under their own steam and took a bus the rest of the way./ •/We didn’t think he could do it, but Bobby finished his homework under his own steam./
[under one’s skin] See: GET UNDER ONE’S SKIN.
[under one’s spell]{adv. phr.} Unable to resist one’s influence. •/From the first moment they saw each other, Peter was under Nancy’s spell./
[under one’s thumb] or [under the thumb] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} Obedient to you; controlled by you; under your power. •/The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother./ •/Jack is a bully. He keeps all the younger children under his thumb./ •/The mayor is so popular that he has the whole town under his thumb./ Compare: JUMP THROUGH THE HOOP.
[under one’s wing]{adv. phr.} Under the care or protection of. •/Helen took the new puppy under her wing./ •/The boys stopped teasing the new student when Bill took him under his wing./ Compare: IN TOW.
[under orders]{adv. phr.} Not out of one’s own desire or one’s own free will; obligatorily; not freely. •/"So you were a Nazi prison guard? " the judge asked. "Yes, your Honor," the man answered, "but I was acting under orders and not because I wished to harm anyone."/
[under pain of] See: ON PAIN OF also UNDER PAIN OF.
[under protest]{adv. phr.} Against one’s wish; unwillingly. •/"I’ll go with you all right," she said to the kidnapper, "but I want it clearly understood that I do so under protest."/
[understand] See: GIVE ONE TO UNDERSTAND.
[under the circumstances] also [in the circumstances] {adv. phr.} In the existing situation; in the present condition; as things are. •/In the circumstances, Father couldn’t risk giving up his job./ •/Under the circumstances, the stagecoach passengers had to give the robbers their money./
[under the collar] See: HOT UNDER THE COLLAR.
[under the counter]{adv. phr.}, {informal} Secretly (bought or sold). •/That book has been banned, but there is one place you can get it under the counter./ •/The liquor dealer was arrested for selling beer under the counter to teenagers./?—?Also used like an adjective, with hyphens. •/During World War II, some stores kept scarce things hidden for under-the-counter-sales to good customers./
[under the hammer]{adv. phr.} Up for sale at auction. •/The Brights auctioned off the entire contents of their home. Mrs. Bright cried when her pewter collection went under the hammer./ •/The picture I wanted to bid on came under the hammer soon after I arrived./
[under the nose of] See: UNDER ONE’S NOSE.
[under the sun]{adj.} or {adv. phr.} On earth; in the world.?—?Used for emphasis. •/The President’s assassination shocked everyone under the sun./ •/Where under the sun could I have put my purse?/
[under the table] See: UNDER THE COUNTER.
[under the thumb of] See: UNDER ONE’S THUMB.
[under the weather]{adv. phr.} In bad health or low spirits. •/Mary called in today asking for a sick day as she is under the weather./
[under the wire]{adv. phr.} With a narrow time limit; in the last minute. •/The journalist’s new lead article on Russia was due in press at 5 P.M., and he got it in at 4:57, just under the wire./
[underway]{adv. phr.} In progress; in motion. •/The yearly fund-raising campaign for the renovation of our university campus is already underway./
[under wraps]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} Not allowed to be seen until the right time; not allowed to act or speak freely; in secrecy; hidden.?—?Usually used with "keep". •/We have a new player, hut we are keeping him under wraps until the game./ •/What the President is planning will be kept under wraps until tomorrow./ •/The spy was kept under wraps and not allowed to talk to newspapermen./ Compare: UNDER COVER.
[unknown quantity]{n.} Someone or something whose value and importance are not known, especially in a certain situation, time or place; a new and untested person or thing. •/What we would find if we could fly to the moon is an unknown quantity./ •/The new player is still an unknown quantity. We’ll find out how good he is in the game./
[unseen] See: SIGHT UNSEEN.
[until all hours]{adv. phr.} Until very late at night. •/He is so anxious to pass his exams with flying colors that he stays up studying until all hours./
[until hell freezes over]{adv. phr.}, {slang} Forever, for an eternity. •/He can argue until hell freezes over; nobody will believe him./ Contrast: WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER.
[until the last gun is fired] See: TILL THE LAST GUN IS FIRED.
[up against]{prep. phr.} Blocked or threatened by. •/When she applied to medical school, the black woman wondered whether she was up against barriers of sex and race prejudice./
[up against it]{adj. phr.}, {informal} Faced with a great difficulty or problem; badly in need. •/The Smith family is up against it because Mr. Smith cannot find a job./ •/You will be up against it if you don’t pass the test. You will probably fail arithmetic./ Compare: HARD UP, END OF ONE’S ROPE, BACK TO THE WALL(2).
[up and about] or [around] {adv. phr.} Recovered and able to move about; once again in good health after an illness. •/My sister was ill for several weeks, but is now up and about again./
[up and at them] 1. {adv. phr.} Actively engaged in a task as if doing combat. •/"You want to know whether he will make a diligent worker?" Dick asked. "Well, I can tell you that most of the time he is up and at them like no one else I know."/ 2. {v. phr.} To become aggressively engaged in doing something; (useable as a command). •/Come on, up and at them, you guys. We still have a lot of work to get done./
[up-and-coming]{adj. phr.} Bound toward success; upwardly mobile; progressive; ambitious. •/The newly elected state senator is an up-and-coming young politician who is expected to be highly successful in national politics in the future./
[up a stump]{adj. phr.}, {slang} Stumped; blocked; mixed up or confused in what you are trying to do. •/Jimmy knows how to add and subtract but fractions have him up a stump./
[up a tree]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Hunted or chased into a tree; treed. •/The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoot him./ 2. {informal} in trouble; having problems; in a difficulty that it is hard to escape or think of a way out of. •/John’s father has him up a tree in the checker game./ Compare: UP THE CREEK.
[up for grabs]{adj. phr.}, {informal} Available for anyone to try to get; ready to be competed for; there for the taking. •/When the captain of the football team moved out of town, his place was up for grabs./
[up front(1)]{n.}, {slang}, {informal} The managerial section of a corporation or firm. •/Joe Catwallender finally made it (with the) up front./
[up front(2)]{adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Open, sincere, hiding nothing. •/Sue was completely up front about why she didn’t want to see him anymore./
[up in arms]{adj. phr.} 1. Equipped with guns or weapons and ready to fight. •/All of the colonies were up in arms against the Redcoats./ Syn.: IN ARMS. 2. Very angry and wanting to fight. •/Robert is up in arms because John said he was stupid./ •/The students were up in arms over the new rule against food in the dormitory./
[up in the air]{adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. {informal} In great anger or excitement. •/My father went straight up in the air when he heard I damaged the car./ •/The Jones family are all up in the air because they are taking a trip around the world./ Compare: HIT THE CEILING, BLOW A FUSE. 2. also [in midair] Not settled; uncertain; undecided. •/Plans for the next meeting have been left up in the air until Jane gets better./ •/The result of the game was left hanging in midair because it rained before the finish./ Compare: LEAVE HANGING.
[up one’s alley] See: DOWN ONE’S ALLEY.
[up one’s sleeve] or [in one’s sleeve] {adv. phr.} 1. Hidden in the sleeve of one’s shirt or coat and ready for secret or wrongful use. •/The crooked gambler hid aces up his sleeve during the card game so that he would win./ 2. {informal} Kept secretly ready for the right time or for a time when needed. •/Jimmy knew that his father had some trick up his sleeve because he was smiling to himself during the checker game./ Compare: CARD UP ONE’S SLEEVE. 3. See: LAUGH UP ONE’S SLEEVE.
[upon oneself] See: TAKE ON ONESELF also TAKE UPON ONESELF.
[upon one’s head] See: ON ONE’S HEAD.
[upon the spot] See: ON THE SPOT(1).
[upper crust]{n.}, {informal} The richest, most famous, or important people in a certain place; the highest class. •/It is a school that only the children of the upper crust can afford./
[upper hand] or [whip hand] {n.} Controlling power; advantage. •/In the third round the champion got the upper hand over his opponent and knocked him out./ •/The cowboy trained the wild horse so that he finally got the whip hand and tamed the horse./
[upper story]{n.} 1. A floor or level of a building above the first floor. •/The apartment house where Gene lives is five stories high and he lives in one of the upper stories./ 2. {slang} A person’s head or brain. •/Lulu has nobody home in the upper story./ •/Bill’s sister says he is weak in the upper story./
[Upsadaisy!] or [Upsee-daisy!] or [Upsy-daisy!] {adv. phr.}?—?A popular exclamation used when just about anything is lifted, particularly a small child raised to his or her highchair or bed. •/"Upsee-daisy!" the nurse said with a smile on her face, as she lifted the baby from its bed./
[ups and downs]{n. phr.} Vicissitudes; alternating periods between good and bad times; changes in fortune. •/He is now a wealthy stock trader, but at the beginning of his career he, too, had many ups and downs./
[upset the applecart] or [upset one’s applecart] {v. phr.}, {informal} To ruin a plan or what is being done, often by surprise or accident; change how things are or are being done, often unexpectedly; ruin or mix up another person’s success or plan for success. •/John upset the other team’s applecart by hitting a home run in the last inning and we won the game./ •/We are planning a surprise party for Bill, so don’t let Mary upset the applecart by telling him before the party./ •/Frank thinks he is going to be the boss, but I’ll upset his applecart the first chance I get./ Compare: ROCK THE BOAT.
[upside down]{adv. phr.} Overturned so that the bottom is up and the top is down. •/The ladybug lay upside down in the sand and was unable to take off./ •/The problem with this company is that everything is upside down; we need a new C.E.O./
[up the creek] or [up the creek without a paddle] {adj. phr.}, {informal} In trouble or difficulty and unable to do anything about it; stuck. •/Father said that if the car ran out of gas in the middle of the desert, we would be up the creek without a paddle./ •/I’ll be up the creek if I don’t pass this history test./ Compare: DEEP WATER, IN THE SOUP, UP A TREE, OUT OF LUCK.
[up tight] or [uptight] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Worried, irritated, excessively eager or anxious. •/Why are you so uptight about getting that job? The more you worry, the less you’ll succeed./
[up to]{prep.} 1. As far, as deep, or as high as. •/The water in the pond was only up to John’s knees./ •/Mary is small and just comes up to Bill’s chest./ •/The shovel sank in the soft mud all the way up to the handle./ 2. Close to; approaching. •/The team did not play up to its best today./ •/Because of the rain, the number of people at the party didn’t come up to the number we expected./ 3. As high as; not more than; as much or as many as. •/Pick any number up to ten./ •/There were up to eight fire engines at the fire./ 4. or [up till] or [up until]?—?Until; till. •/Up to her fourth birthday, the baby slept in a crib./ •/Up to now I always thought John was honest./ •/We went swimming up till breakfast time./ •/Up until last summer we always went to the beach for our vacation./ 5. Capable of; fit for; equal to; strong or well enough for. •/We chose Harry to be captain because we thought he was up to the job./ •/Mother is sick and not up to going out to the store./ 6. Doing or planning secretly; ready for mischief. •/What are you up to with the matches, John?/ •/Mrs. Watson was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran when they saw her coming./ 7. Facing as a duty; to be chosen or decided by; depending on. •/It’s up to you to get to school on time./ •/I don’t care when you cut the grass. When you do it is up to you./
[up-to-date]{adj.} Modem; contemporary; the latest that technology can offer. •/"I want an up-to-date dictionary of American idioms," Mr. Lee said, "that has all the latest Americanisms in it."/ Contrast: STATE-OF-THE-ART.
[up to no good]{adv. phr.} Intending to do something bad; perpetrating an illicit act. •/We could tell from the look on Dennis the Menace’s face that he was once again up to no good./
[up to one’s ears]{adv. phr.} Immersed in; covered with. •/"Around final examination time," Professor Brown explained, "I am always up to my ears in work."/
[up to one’s neck]{adv. phr.} Overwhelmed with; submerged in. •/"During the summer season in our cottage by the lake," the Allens complained, "we are usually up to our necks in uninvited guests."/ Compare: UP TO ONE’S EARS.
[up to par] or {informal} [up to scratch] or {informal} [up to snuff] 1. In good or normal health or physical condition. •/I have a cold and don’t feel up to par./ •/The boxer is training for the fight but he isn’t up to scratch yet./ 2. or [up to the mark] As good as usual; up to the usual level or quality. •/The TV program was not up to par tonight./ •/John will have to work hard to bring his grades up to snuff./ Compare: MEASURE UP.
[up to scratch] See: UP TO FAR.
[up to snuff] See: UP TO PAR.
[up to the chin in] or [in --- up to the chin] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Used also with "ears", "elbows", "eyes" or "knees" instead of "chin", and with a possessive instead of "the". 1. Having a big or important part in; guilty of; not innocent of; deeply in. •/Was Tom mixed up in that trouble last night? He was up to his ears in it./ •/Mr. Johnson is up to the eyes in debt./ •/Mrs. Smith is in debt up to her chin./ Compare: TO THE HILT. 2. Very busy with; working hard at. •/Bob is up to his neck in homework./ •/They are up to their elbows in business before Christmas./ 3. Having very much or many of; flooded with. •/Mary was up to her knees in invitations to go to parties./ Compare: KNEE-DEEP.
[up to the hilt] See: TO THE HILT.
[up to the last minute]{adv. phr.} Until the last possible moment; until the very end. •/When I try to send in an important eyewitness report from the scene of a major accident, I must keep working up to the last minute./ Compare: TO THE BITTER END, UNDER THE WIRE.
[up to the mark] See: UP TO PAR(2).
[up-to-the-minute] See: UP-TO-DATE.
[urban homesteading]{n.}, {informal} Renovation and occupation through cooperative ownership by tenants of previously abandoned city apartment buildings. •/Urban homesteading is on the rise in many big American cities these days./
[use] See: NO USE, PUT TO USE.
[used to(1)]{adj. phr.} In the habit of or familiar with. •/People get used to smoking and it is hard for them to stop./ •/Farmers are used to working outdoors in the winter./ •/After my eyes became used to the dim light in the cave, I saw an old shovel on the ground./ •/On the hike Bob soon got tired, but Dick did not because he was used to walking./
[used to(2)] or [did use to] {v. phr.} Did formerly; did in the past.?—?Usually used with an infinitive to tell about something past. •/Uncle Henry used to have a beard, but he shaved it off./ •/Did your father use to work at the bank?/ •/People used to say that tomatoes were poison./?—?Sometimes used without the infinitive. •/I don’t go to that school any more, but I used to./ •/We don’t visit Helen as much as we used to./ •/I used to go to the movies often. Did you use to?/
[used to be] or [did use to be] {v. phr.} Formerly or once was. •/Mary used to be small; but she has grown up./ •/Dick used to be the best pitcher on the team last year; now two other pitchers are better than he is./
[use every trick in the book]{v. phr.}, {informal} To avail oneself of any means at all in order to achieve one’s goal, not exclusive of possibly immoral or illegal acts. •/Algernon used every trick in the book to get Maxine to go out with him, but she kept refusing./
[use one’s head] or {slang} [use one’s bean] or {slang} [use one’s noodle] or {slang} use [one’s noggin] {v. phr.} To use your brain or mind; think; have common sense.?—?Often used as a command. •/If you used your bean you wouldn’t be in trouble now./ •/Never point a gun at anybody, John. Use your head!/
[use up]{v. phr.} 1. To use until nothing is left; spend or consume completely. •/Don’t use up all the soap. Leave me some to wash with./ •/Jack used up his last dollar to see the movies./ Compare: GIVE OUT(5). 2. {informal} To tire completely; make very tired; exhaust; leave no strength or force in.?—?Usually used in the passive. •/After rowing the boat across the lake, Robert was used up./ Compare: GIVE OUT(4), WEAR OUT.
[utility room]{n.} A room in a house or building for machinery and other things important in the daily use of the building and the work of the people in it. •/There is a utility room upstairs where Mother does the laundry./ •/The oil burner is kept in the utility room in the basement./
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