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Литература и ресурсы для получения дополнительной информации

(Ссылки на источники в русскоязычных изданиях даны в переводе; добавлено несколько ссылок на публикации, вышедшие после издания Справочника в США)


Arquilla, John and David Ronfeldt. eds. In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age. Santa Monica: RAND, 1997.

Lesser, Ian O., Bruce Hoffman, John Arquilla, David Ronfeldt, and Michele Zanini. Countering the New Terrorism. Santa Monica: RAND, 1999.

Liang, Qiao and Wang Xiangsui. Unrestricted Warfare. Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999.

Nair, Y.K. (Brigadier, YSM [Ret.]). War in the Gulf: Lessons for the Third World. New Delhi: Lancer International, 1991.

Thomas, Timothy L. "Human Network Attacks." Military Review, September-October 1999. Found at

http://call.army.mil/call/fmso/fmsopubs/issues/human-net/ humannet.htm.

Самодельные взрывные устройства

Brodie, Thomas G. Bombs and Bombings: A Handbook – Detection, Disposal and Investigation for

Police and Fire Departments. Springfield, IL: Charles С Thomas, 1995.

Ellis, John W. Police Analysis and Planning for Vehicular Bombings: Prevention, Defense and Response. Springfield, IL: Charles С Thomas, 1999.

Grubisic, Joseph. "Explosives and Terrorism." in Buckwalter, Jane Rae, ed. International Terrorism: The Decade Ahead, Chicago: Office of International Criminal Justice. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1989, pp. 123–126.

Штатное оружие на основе нетрадиционных взрывчатых веществ, а также предназначенное для применения против авиации и бронетехники

Leaf, Tim. "Thermobaric Weapons: A Weapon of Choice for Urban Warfare," Marine Corps Study Group – Quantico. Found at http://call.army.mil/call/ spc-prod/mout/docs/thermodoc.htm.

Grau, Lester W. "The RPG-7 On the Battlefields of Today and Tomorrow," Infantry. (May-August 1998).

Grau, Lester W., "A Weapon For All Seasons: The Old But Effective RPG-7 Promises to Haunt the Battlefields of Tomorrow." Foreign Military Studies Office. Found at http://call.army.mil/call/fmso/fmso-pubs/issues/weapon.htm.

Human Rights Watch. "Backgrounder on Russian Fuel Air explosives ("Vacuum Bombs"). February 2000. Found at http://www.hrw. org/hrw/press/2000/ 02/chech0215b.htm.

Janzen, CPT Scott C. "The Story of the Rocket Propelled Grenade." Red Thrust Star, April 1997. pp. 21–25. Found at http://call. army.mil/call/fmso/RED-STAR/ISSUES/97APR/grenade.htm.

Schaffer, Marvin B. The Missile Threat to Civil Aviation. Santa Monica: RAND, 1997 (P-8013).

Schaffer, Marvin B. Concerns About Terrorists with Man Portable SAMs. Santa Monica: RAND, 1993 (P-7833).

Schaffer, Marvin В. Concerns About Terrorists with PGMs. Santa Monica: RAND, 1992 (P-7774). Shipunov, Arkady and Gennady Filimonov. "Field Artillery to be Replaced with Shemel Infantry Flame Thrower." Military Parade, Issue 29, September-October 1998. Found at http://www.mibarade.ru/29/Q64.htm

Террористический потенциал нелетального и ограниченно летального оружия

Alexander, John В. Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First-Century Warfare. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Bunker, Robert J. ed. "Non-lethal Weapons: Terms and References." INSS Occasional Paper 15, Colorado Springs: US Air Force Academy, Institute for National Security Studies, July 1997.

Bunker, Robert J. and T. Lindsay Moore. "Non-lethal Technology and Fourth Epoch War: A New Paradigm of Politico-Military Force." The Land Warfare Papers, No. 23, February 1996.

Химическое и биологическое оружие

Cams, W. Seth. "Bioterrorism and Biocrimes: The Illicit Use of Biological Agents in the 20th Century." Working Paper, Centre for Counterproliferation Research, National Defence University, August 1998.

Sidell, Frederick R., William С Patrick III, Thomas Dashiell. Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook. Alexandria, YA: Jane's Information Group, 1998.

Radiological Threats

Allison, Graham Т., Owen R. Cote, Jr., Richard A. Falkenrath, and Steven E. Miller. Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy: Containing the Threat of Loose Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Material. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.

Cockbum, Andrew and Leslie Cockburn. One Point Safe. New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1997.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. Crude Nuclear Weapons: Proliferation and the Terrorist Threat. IPPNW Global Watch Report Number 1, Cambridge, MA: IPPNW, 1996.

Sanz, Timothy L. "Nuclear Terrorism: Selected Research Materials." Low Intensity Conflict & Law Enforcement, Vol. 1, No. 3, Winter 1992. Found at http://call.army.mil/call/fmso/fmsopubs/issues/nucle-ar.htm.

Sanz, Timothy L. "Nuclear terrorism: Published Literature Since 1992." Military Review, July/August 1997. Found at http: //call. army. mil/call/fmso/fmso> pubs/issues/specter.htm.

Лазеры и угрозы, связанные с ними

Bunker, Robert J. "Terrorist Laser Employment Against Civil Aviation: Issues, Concerns, and Potential Incidents." Transit Policing, Vol. 8. (Spring 1998). pp. 7–8,21–28.

Bunker, Robert J. "Criminals and Laser Pointers: Tactical Concerns Over Emergent Laserarms." The Tactical Edge, Vol. 17. (Spring 1999). pp. 80–85.

China North Industries Corp. ZM-87 Portable Laser Disturber. Beijing: China North Industries Corp. (n.d.). lp.

Hillaby, Bill. "Directed Energy Weapons Development and Potential." The Defence Associations National Network, National Network News, Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1997. Found at http://www.sfu.ca/~dann/ nn4-3 12.htm.

Letterman Army Institute of Research. "Psychological Effects of Lasers on the Battlefield: Issues and Ideas." Institute Report No. 246.

Lindsay, Dan and Robert J. Bunker. "The Laser Threat to Airborne Law Enforcement: An Early Warning." Air Beat, Vol. 27. (November-December 1998). pp. 26–29. Part I; Vol. 28. (January-February 1999). pp. 14–16. Part II.

Контрмеры против лазерных угроз

Blinding Laser Weapons Protocol. "Additional Protocol [Protocol IV on Blinding Laser Weapons] to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects of 10 October 1980." Entered in force July 1998.

Радиочастотное оружие

Altgilbers, L, M. Brown, I. Grishnaev, B. Novae, I. Smith, S. Tkach, and Y. Tkach. Magnetocumulative Generators. New York: Springer Ver-lag, 2000.

Benford, J. and J. Swegle. High Power Microwaves. Boston: Artech House, 1992.

Bludov, S.B., N.P. Gadetskii, K.A. Kravtsov, Yu. F. Lonin, 1.1. Magda, S.I. Naisteter, E.A. Prasol, Yu. V. Prokopenko, S.S. Pushkarev, Yr. V. Tkach, I.F. Kharchenko, and Y.I. Chumakov. "Generation of High-Power Ultrashort Microwave Pulses and Their Effects on Electronic Devices." Plasma Physics Reports, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 643–647, 1994.

Bunkin, B.Y., A.Y. Gaponov-Grekhov, A.S. Eltchaninov, F.Ya. Zagu-lov, S.D. Korovin, G.A. Mesyats, M.L. Osipov, E.A. Otlivantchik, M.I. Petelin, A.M. Prokho-rov, Y.Y. Rostov, A.P. Saraev, I.P. Sisakyan, A.V. Smorgonsky, and Y.A. Suvorov. "Nanosecond Radar System Based on Repetitive Pulsed Relativistic В WO." Proceedings of the 9th International

Conference on High-Power Particle Beams, Washington, DC, pp. 195–202, 1992.

Carey, W.J. and W.C. Nunnally. "Generation of Sub-Nanosecond Pulses Using a Solid State Marx Circuit with Trapatt Diode Switches." Conference Record of the 1994 Twenty-First International Power Modulator Symposium, Costa Mesa, June, pp. 89–92,1994.

Grekhov, I. "Semiconductor Switches and Generators of Gigawatt-Range Micro– and Nanosecond Pulses." 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, MD, 1997.

Kardo-Sysoev, A.F., S.Y. Zazulin, Y.M. Efanov, Y.S. Lilkov, and A.F. Kriklenko. "High Repetition Frequency Power Nanosecond Pulse Generation. " 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Baltimore, MD, 1997.

Kopp, Carlos. "The E-Bomb, A Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction." http://www.infowar.com/mil c4i/ mil c4uc4i8. html– ssi.

Merritt, Ira. "Prepared Statement on Proliferation of Radio Frequency Weapons Technology." Joint Economic Committee, 15 February 1998. http://www.house.gov/iec/hearings/02-25-8h.htm.

Прищепенко А.Б “Электронный бой кораблей – бой будущего? ”. “Морской сборник”, 1993 г., № 7, стр. 35…38.

Прищепенко А.Б. и Ахметов М.Г. “Радиоэлектронное поражение в общевойсковой операции”. “Военная мысль”, 1995 г., № 2, стр. 42…48.1995.

Prishchepenko, А.В., V.K. Kiseljov, and I.S. Kudimov. "Radio Frequency Weapons at the Future Battlefield" In: Proceedings of the European Electromagnetics International Sumposium on Electromagnetic

Environments and Consequences EUROEM 94, Bordeaux – France, May 30, 31, June 1,2,3, 1994, Part 1, Ed. D.J. Serafin, J.Ch. Bolomey, D. Du-pouy. EUROEM, 46500, GRAMAT, France, p.p. 266…271.

Prishchepenko, A. B. and M.Y. Shchelkachev. “Dissipative And Diffusion Losses In Helical EMG With Capacitive Load” In: 6-th Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Pulsed Power Applications. Ed. M. Cowan andR.B. Spielman. N.Y., Nova Sci. Publ., 1994.

Прищепенко А.Б., Бармин A.A., Марков В.В. и Мельник О.Э. “Сжатие магнитного поля в монокристалле галогенида щелочного металла сходящейся сферической ударной волной ”, “Мегагауссная и мегаамперная импульсная технология и применения. Труды Седьмой международной конференции по генерации мегагауссных полей и родственным экспериментам. Под ред. В.К. Чернышева, В.Д. Селе-мира, JI.H. Пляшкевича. Том 2, С аров, 5 – 10 августа 1996 г. стр. 154… 158.

Прищепенко А.Б., Третьяков Д.В. Щелкачев М.В. “Баланс энергии при работе взрывного пьезоэлектрического генератора частоты” Там же, стр. 954…958

Prishchepenko, А. В. and M.Y. Shchelkachev. “Energy Balance by Explosively Driven Loop Frequency Generator Operation ” In: “Megagauss

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Прищепенко А.Б. “Новый вызов террористов – электромагнитный” “Независимое военное обозрение”, 2004 г., № 42 (402), 5… 11 ноября, стр. 7.

А.В. Prishchepenko. "Explosions And Waves. Explosively Driven Microwave

Sources" Moscow, BINOM, 2008. Technology Universities Textbook. 208pages. ISBN978-5-94774-726-3 (in Russian).

Schriner, David. "The Design and Fabrication of a Damage Inflicting RF Weapon by 'Back Yard' Methods." Joint Economic Committee, 15 February 1998. http://www.house.gov/iec/hearings/Q2-25-8h.htm.

Taylor, CD. and D.Y. Giri. High Power Microwave Systems and Effects. Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, 1994.

Н.П. Гадецкий, K.A. Кравцов, И.И.Магда «Функциональные сбои персонального компьютера при воздействии электромагнитных импульсов» http://www.laboratory.ru.

Y. Gurevich. Ph.D., «The Hazards of Electro-Magnetic Terrorism». Public Utilities Fortnightly. June 2005, p.84

О роли правоохранительных органов

Sullivan, John P. "RFWs and the Civil Infrastructure." Crime & Justice International, Vol. 15, No. 32, September 1999.