Глава 1
1. Juan S. What is the probability of human life existing on other planets? // National Post (Toronto). 12 December 2005. Body & Health. Р. 1.
2. Leeuw R., Cuttini M., Nadai M., Berbik I., Hansen G., Kucinskas A., Lenoir S., Levin A., Persson J., Rebagliato M., Reid M., Schroell M. and Vonderweid U. Treatment choices for extremely preterm infants: An international perspective // Journal of Pediatrics. 2000. Vol. 137. No. 5. P. 608–615.
3. Janus L. The Enduring Effects of the Prenatal Experience. New Jersey: Jason Aronson, Northvale. 1997.
4. Доктор Франс Вельдман – неонатолог, глава Международного центра исследований и развития гапономии во Франции.
5. Veldman F. Confirming affectivity, the dawn of human life // International journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine. 1994. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 11–26.
6. Интервью, 15 июля 1999.
7. Интервью, 16 июля 1999.
8. Juan S. Talking to the unborn // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 27 June 1999. Tempo. P. 9.
9. Juan S. Hello in there // New York Daily News. 26 January 2005. Body Work. P. 2.
10. Gustafson M. and Donahoe P. Male sex determination: Current concepts of male sexual differentiation // Annual Review of Medicine. 1994. Vol. 45. P. 505–524.
11. Montagu A. The Natural Superiority of Women (3rd ed.). N. Y.: Collier Books. 1997. P. 80.
12. Gissler M., Jarvelin M., Louhiala P. and Hemminki E. Boys have more health problems in childhood than girls: Follow-up of the 1987 Finnish Birth Cohort // Acta Paediatrica. 1999. Vol. 88. No. 3. P. 310–340.
13. Robbins M. Nature, nurture, and core gender identity // Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 1996. Vol. 44 (suppl.). P. 93—117.
14. Juan S. Why it is so for males // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 25 July 1999. Tempo. P. 16.
15. Интервью, 30 августа 2005.
16. Sadler T. Langman’s Medical Embryology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2004.
17. Juan S. Is it possible for twins to have different fathers? National Post (Toronto). 15 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
18. Juan S. Who was the world’s tiniest baby? National Post (Toronto). 15 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
19. Griengl H. Delusional pregnancy in a patient with primary sterility // Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2000. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 57–59.
20. Masoni S., Maio A., Trimarchi G., Punzio C. de and Fioretti P. The couvade syndrome // Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1994. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 125–131.
21. Storey A., Walsh C., Quinton R. and Wynne-Edwards K. Hormonal correlates of paternal responsiveness: New and expectant fathers // Evolution and Human Behavior. 2000. Vol. 21. No. 2. P. 79–95.
22. Field T., Hernandez-Reif M. and Freedman J. Stimulation programs for preterm infants // Social Policy Report (Society for Research in Child Development). 2004. Vol. 28. No. 1. P. 3—19.
23. Field T. Massage improves disorders // Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter. December 1995. P. 1–2.
24. Juan S. Rubbed the right way // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 2 July 2000. Tempo. P. 14.
25. Zackrisson M. Brat pain // New Scientist. 6 July 1996. P. 65.
26. Juan S. When a baby cries… // Sydney’s Child. February 2001. P. 38.
27. St James-Roberts I. and Menon-Johansson P. Predicting infant crying from fetal movement data: An exploratory study // Early Human Development. 1999. Vol. 54. No. 1. P. 55–62.
28. DeBellis M., Keshavan M., Clark D., Casey B., Giedd J., Boring A., Frustaci K. and Ryan N. Developmental traumatology. Part II: Brain development (A.E. Bennett Research Award) // Biological Psychiatry. 1999. Vol. 45. No. 10. P. 1271–1284.
29. Teicher M., Dumont N., Ito Y., Vaituzis C., Giedd J. and Andersen S. Childhood neglect is associated with reduced corpus callosum area // Biological Psychiatry. 2004. Vol. 56. No. 2. P. 80–85.
30. Juan S. Getting newborns to sleep peacefully // National Post (Toronto). 25 April 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.
31. Anderson G., Moore E., Hepworth J. and Bergman N. Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants // Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2003. Vol. 2. CD003519.
32. Juan S. Is skin-to-skin contact good for my newborn? // National Post (Toronto). 25 April 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.
33. Taddio A., Shah V., Gilbert-MacLeod С. and Katz J. Conditioning and hyperalgesia in newborns exposed to repeated heel lances // Journal of the American Medical Association. 2002. Vol. 288. No. 7. P. 857–861.
34. Juan S. Can newborn babies anticipate pain? // National Post (Toronto). 24 October 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
35. Salk L., Lipsitt L., Sturner W., Reilly B. and Levat R. Relationship of maternal and perinatal conditions to eventual adolescent suicide // The Lancet. 1985. Vol. 1. P. 624–627.
36. Jacobson B., Nyberg K., Gronbladh L., Eklund G., Bygdeman M. and Rydberg U. Opiate addiction in adult off spring through possible imprinting after obstetric treatment // British Medical Journal. 1990. Vol. 301. P. 1067–1070.
37. Raine A., Brennan P. and Mednick S. Interaction between birth complications and early maternal rejection in predisposing individuals to adult violence: Specificity to serious, early-onset violence // American Journal of Psychology. 1997. Vol. 154. No. 9. P. 1265–1271.
38. Odent M. The Caesarean. L.: Free Associations Books. 2004.
39. Juan S. Mind over mammaries // National Post (Toronto). 19 March 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.
40. Juan S. Why do we have two of so many body parts? // National Post (Toronto). 25 July 2005. Body & Health. P. 2.
41. American Dental Association website. 12 August 2004.
42. Last’s Anatomy: Regional and Applied (10th ed.) / C. Sinnatamby. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 1999.
43. Juan S. Is there any part of the body we don’t need? // New York Daily News. 27 October 2004. Body Work. P. 1–2.
44. Juan S. Who are you calling obsolete the appendix may ask // National Post (Toronto). 4 November 2004. Body & Health. P. 1.
45. Olshansky S., Carnes B. and Butler R. If humans were built to last // Scientific American. March 2001. P. 50–55.
46. Juan S. How was the Neanderthal man different from us? // National Post (Toronto). 8 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.
47. Доктор Харт работает на факультете антропологии университета Миссури в Сент-Луисе. Доктор Сассман преподает на факультете антропологии университета Вашингтона в Сент-Луисе.
48. Hart D. and Sussman R. Man the Hunted: Primates, Predators and Human Evolution // Westview Press. Boulder, Colorado. 2005.
49. Доктор Рей Курзвейл – физик, инженер, писатель и бывший независимый естествоиспытатель в Массачусетском технологическом институте.
50. Kurzweil R. and Grossman T. Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever. N. Y.: Rodale Press. 2004.
51. Kurzweil R. The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. N. Y.: Viking Books. 1999.
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