Глава 7

Глава 7

1. Juan S. Navel gazing // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 10 September 2000. Tempo. P. 14.

2. Juan S. A history of navel gazing // New York Daily News. 7 July 2004. Body Work. P. 2.

3. Интервью, 12 июня 2000.

4. Juan S. Left red-faced // New York Daily News. 28 July 2004. Body Work. P. 2.

5. Carroll L. and Anderson R. Body piercing, tattooing, self-esteem, and body investment in adolescent girls // Adolescence, 2002. Vol. 37. No. 147. P. 627–637.

6. Bridgeman-Shah S. The medical and surgical therapy of pseudofolliculitis barbae // Dermatologic Therapy, 2004. Vol. 17. No. 2. P. 158–163.

7. Garcia-Zuazaga J. Pseudofolliculitis barbae: Review and update of new treatment modalities // Military Medicine, 2003. Vol. 168. No. 7. P. 561–564.

8. Jain V. Markism // New Scientist. 22 February 2003. P. 65.

9. Goldwyn М. How a Fly Walks Upside Down… And Other Curious Facts. N. Y.: Wings Books, 1995. P. 234.

10. Juan S. What are freckles and what causes them? // New York Daily News. 3 May 2005. Body Work. P. 1.

11. Johnson I. Why Can’t Yo u Tickle Yourself and Other Bodily Curiosities. N. Y.: Warner Books, 1993. P. 11.

12. Juan S. Bruise is a sign of small blood vessel leakage // National Post (Toronto). 15 August 2005. Body & Health. P. 1.

13. Juan S. What is a bruise? // New York Daily News. 24 August 2005. Body Work. P. 1.

14. Goldwyn M. How a Fly Walks Upside Down… And Other Curious. N. Y.: Facts, Wings Books, 1995. P. 173.

15. Xenakis A. Why Doesn’t My Funny Bone Make Me Laugh? N. Y.: Villard Books, 1993. P. 155.

16. Ray C. Suntans // New York Times. 11 May 1999. P. D2.

17. Juan S. A special lubricant // National Post (Toronto). 25 July 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

18. Juan S. The skinny on skin // New York Daily News. 23 February 2005. Body Work. P. 1.

19. Доктор Нина Яблонски работает на факультете антропологии Калифорнийской академии наук в Сан-Франциско.

20. Rich G. Healing hands // Psychology Today. March/ April 1999. P. 23.

21. Larsen E. Do touch: The benefits of skin on skin go deeper than feeling good // Utne Reader. March– April 1998. P. 78–81.

22. Eller D. Rubbed the right way // American Health. January/February 1996. P. 74–77.

23. Juan S. White fright // New York Daily News. 13 April 2005. Body Work. P. 2.

24. Juan S. Why do we ‘turn white with fright’? // National Post (Toronto). 19 March 2005. Body & Health. P. 1–2.

25. Stucker M., Struk A., Altmeyer P., Herde M., Baumgartl H. and Lubbers D. The cutaneous uptake of atmospheric oxygen contributes significantly to the oxygen supply of human dermis and epidermis // Journal of Physiology. 2004. Vol. 538 (pt 3). P. 985–994.

26. Mooney D. and Mikos A. Growing new organs // Scientific American. April 1999. P. 60–65.

27. Juan S. Synthetic people // Sun-Herald (Sydney). 2 May 1999. P. 16.

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